Habbo Hotel: Hapishane Sistemi ! (PLUS)

Selam dostlarım ben Nurullah bugun sizlere En gelişmiş retrolarda olan hapishane sistemini verecegim. Kendim test etmedim ama test edenlerde başarılı olmuş. Yapamadıgınız yeleri yorum olarak atın dönücegim hepinize. Bu arada kendimiz yapmadık. Başka bir yabancı Retro paylaşım sitesinden aldık.

DB'ye Ekle
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `in_jail` int(11) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `jail_time` int(11) NOT NULL

Habbo.cs dosyasını bulun ve özel int _id dosyasını bulun; ve üstüne yerleştir
public Timer JailTimer;

Habbo.cs üstünde yer
using System.Timers;

Özel int bulun _friendCount; ve üstüne yerleştir
private int _jail_time;
private int _in_jail;

public Habbo(int Id, string Username, int Rank, string Motto, string Look, string Gender, int Credits, int ActivityPoints, int HomeRoom,
            bool HasFriendRequestsDisabled, int LastOnline, bool AppearOffline, bool HideInRoom, double CreateDate, int Diamonds,
            string machineID, string clientVolume, bool ChatPreference, bool FocusPreference, bool PetsMuted, bool BotsMuted, bool AdvertisingReportBlocked, double LastNameChange,
            int GOTWPoints, bool IgnoreInvites, double TimeMuted, double TradingLock, bool AllowGifts, int FriendBarState, bool DisableForcedEffects, bool AllowMimic, int VIPRank)

Sonunda ekle
,int In_Jail, int Jail_Time

Sonunda {ekle
this._jail_time = Jail_Time;
this._in_jail = In_Jail;

public int Id

            get { return this._id; }
            set { this._id = value; }

Aşağıda ekleyebilirsiniz
 public int Jail_Time

            get { return this._jail_time; }
            set { this._jail_time = value; }

        public int In_Jail
            get { return this._in_jail; }
            set { this._in_jail = value; }

  public string GetQueryString
                this._habboSaved = true;
                return "UPDATE `users` SET `online` = '0', `last_online` = '" + PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() + "', `activity_points` = '" + this.Duckets + "', `credits` = '" + this.Credits + "',  `in_jail` = '" + this.In_Jail + "', `jail_time` = '" + this.Jail_Time + "', `vip_points` = '" + this.Diamonds + "', `home_room` = '" + this.HomeRoom + "', `gotw_points` = '" + this.GOTWPoints + "', `time_muted` = '" + this.TimeMuted + "',`friend_bar_state` = '" + FriendBarStateUtility.GetInt(this._friendbarState) + "' WHERE id = '" + Id + "' LIMIT 1;UPDATE `user_stats` SET `roomvisits` = '" + this._habboStats.RoomVisits + "', `onlineTime` = '" + (PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() - SessionStart + this._habboStats.OnlineTime) + "', `respect` = '" + this._habboStats.Respect + "', `respectGiven` = '" + this._habboStats.RespectGiven + "', `giftsGiven` = '" + this._habboStats.GiftsGiven + "', `giftsReceived` = '" + this._habboStats.GiftsReceived + "', `dailyRespectPoints` = '" + this._habboStats.DailyRespectPoints + "', `dailyPetRespectPoints` = '" + this._habboStats.DailyPetRespectPoints + "', `AchievementScore` = '" + this._habboStats.AchievementPoints + "', `quest_id` = '" + this._habboStats.QuestID + "', `quest_progress` = '" + this._habboStats.QuestProgress + "', `groupid` = '" + this._habboStats.FavouriteGroupId + "',`forum_posts` = '" + this._habboStats.ForumPosts + "' WHERE `id` = '" + this.Id + "' LIMIT 1;";

İle değiştirin
 public string GetQueryString
                this._habboSaved = true;
                return "UPDATE `users` SET `online` = '0', `last_online` = '" + PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() + "', `activity_points` = '" + this.Duckets + "', `credits` = '" + this.Credits + "',  `in_jail` = '" + this.In_Jail + "', `jail_time` = '" + this.Jail_Time + "', `vip_points` = '" + this.Diamonds + "', `home_room` = '" + this.HomeRoom + "', `gotw_points` = '" + this.GOTWPoints + "', `time_muted` = '" + this.TimeMuted + "',`friend_bar_state` = '" + FriendBarStateUtility.GetInt(this._friendbarState) + "' WHERE id = '" + Id + "' LIMIT 1;UPDATE `user_stats` SET `roomvisits` = '" + this._habboStats.RoomVisits + "', `onlineTime` = '" + (PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() - SessionStart + this._habboStats.OnlineTime) + "', `respect` = '" + this._habboStats.Respect + "', `respectGiven` = '" + this._habboStats.RespectGiven + "', `giftsGiven` = '" + this._habboStats.GiftsGiven + "', `giftsReceived` = '" + this._habboStats.GiftsReceived + "', `dailyRespectPoints` = '" + this._habboStats.DailyRespectPoints + "', `dailyPetRespectPoints` = '" + this._habboStats.DailyPetRespectPoints + "', `AchievementScore` = '" + this._habboStats.AchievementPoints + "', `quest_id` = '" + this._habboStats.QuestID + "', `quest_progress` = '" + this._habboStats.QuestProgress + "', `groupid` = '" + this._habboStats.FavouriteGroupId + "',`forum_posts` = '" + this._habboStats.ForumPosts + "' WHERE `id` = '" + this.Id + "' LIMIT 1;";

 public void InitInformation(UserData data)

            BadgeComponent = new BadgeComponent(this   , data);
            Relationships = data.Relations;

Üzerinde eklemek 
internal void StartJailTimer(GameClient Session, int Time)
            Timer JailTimer = new Timer((Time * 60) * 1000);
            Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail = 1;
            JailTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) =>
                Session.GetHabbo().PrepareRoom(0, "");
                Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Notification",
                "  You've been released from jail! \n\n" +
                "  Next time behave yourself!!", "small", ""));

                using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())
                    Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail = 0;
                    dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `jail_time` = @jail_time, `in_jail` = @in_jail, `home_room` = @home_room WHERE id = @id");
                    dbClient.AddParameter("jail_time", 0);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("in_jail", 0);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("home_room", 0);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("id", Session.GetHabbo().Id);

Tamam, bu sınıfla işimiz bitti, şimdi Authenticator.cs adresine gidin

değişim Convert.ToInt32(Row["rank_vip"])); para Convert.ToInt32(Row["rank_vip"]), ve aşağıdaki kodu yan tarafa ekleyin

Convert.ToInt32(Row["in_jail"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["jail_time"]));

UserDataFactory.cs adresine gidin ve arayın

dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`username`,`rank`,`motto`,`look`,`gender`,`last_online`,`credits`,`activity_points`,`home_room`,`block_newfriends`,`hide_online`,`hide_inroom`,`vip`,`account_created`,`vip_points`,`machine_id`,`volume`,`chat_preference`,`focus_preference`, `pets_muted`,`bots_muted`,`advertising_report_blocked`,`last_change`,`gotw_points`,`ignore_invites`,`time_muted`,`allow_gifts`,`friend_bar_state`,`disable_forced_effects`,`allow_mimic`,`rank_vip` FROM `users` WHERE `auth_ticket` = @sso LIMIT 1");

                dbClient.AddParameter("sso", SessionTicket);

Ve yerini alır

dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`username`,`rank`,`jail_time`,`in_jail`,`motto`,`look`,`gender`,`last_online`,`credits`,`activity_points`,`home_room`,`block_newfriends`,`hide_online`,`hide_inroom`,`vip`,`account_created`,`vip_points`,`machine_id`,`volume`,`chat_preference`,`focus_preference`, `pets_muted`,`bots_muted`,`advertising_report_blocked`,`last_change`,`gotw_points`,`ignore_invites`,`time_muted`,`allow_gifts`,`friend_bar_state`,`disable_forced_effects`,`allow_mimic`,`rank_vip` FROM `users` WHERE `auth_ticket` = @sso LIMIT 1");

                dbClient.AddParameter("sso", SessionTicket);

 using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())
                dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`username`,`rank`,`motto`,`look`,`gender`,`last_online`,`credits`,`activity_points`,`home_room`,`block_newfriends`,`hide_online`,`hide_inroom`,`vip`,`account_created`,`vip_points`,`machine_id`,`volume`,`chat_preference`, `focus_preference`, `pets_muted`,`bots_muted`,`advertising_report_blocked`,`last_change`,`gotw_points`,`ignore_invites`,`time_muted`,`allow_gifts`,`friend_bar_state`,`disable_forced_effects`,`allow_mimic`,`rank_vip` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = @id LIMIT 1");
                dbClient.AddParameter("id", UserId);

İle değiştirin
using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())

                dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `id`,`username`,`rank`,`motto`,`jail_time`,`in_jail`,`look`,`gender`,`last_online`,`credits`,`activity_points`,`home_room`,`block_newfriends`,`hide_online`,`hide_inroom`,`vip`,`account_created`,`vip_points`,`machine_id`,`volume`,`chat_preference`, `focus_preference`, `pets_muted`,`bots_muted`,`advertising_report_blocked`,`last_change`,`gotw_points`,`ignore_invites`,`time_muted`,`allow_gifts`,`friend_bar_state`,`disable_forced_effects`,`allow_mimic`,`rank_vip` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = @id LIMIT 1");
                dbClient.AddParameter("id", UserId);

Git HabboHotel > Rooms > Chat > Commands > Administrator
Sağ tıklayın ve "Yeni Sınıf Ekle" ye tıklayın ve bu adı girin. JailUserCommand Geçerli sınıftaki her şeyi silin ve ile değiştirin

using Plus.Communication.Packets.Outgoing.Rooms.Notifications;
using Plus.Database.Interfaces;
using Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Administrator
    class JailUserCommand : IChatCommand
        public string PermissionRequired => "command_jail";
        public string Parameters => "%username% %time%";
        public string Description => "Put a user in jail!.";

        public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params)
            int Time = 0;
            int Time_Now;

            Time_Now = Time;

            if (Params.Length == 1)
                Session.SendWhisper("Please enter the username of the user you wish to jail");

            GameClient TargetClient = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]);
            if (TargetClient == null)
                Session.SendWhisper($"An error occoured whilst trying to find {Params[1]}!");

            RoomUser TargetUser = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(TargetClient.GetHabbo().Id);
            if (TargetUser == null)
                Session.SendWhisper($"An error occoured whilst trying to find {Params[1]}, maybe they're not online or in this room.");

            if (TargetClient.GetHabbo().Rank > Session.GetHabbo().Rank)
                Session.SendWhisper("Oops , it appears you can't jail this user!");

            if (Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail == 1)
                Session.SendWhisper($"Oops , it appears {Params[1]} is already jailed!");

            if (Session == TargetClient)
                Session.SendWhisper("You can't put yourself in jail!");

            if (Int32.TryParse(Params[2], out Time))

                Session.SendWhisper($"You have successfully jailed {Params[1]} for {Time} minutes!");

                TargetClient.GetHabbo().PrepareRoom(// put room id of jail here // , "");
                TargetClient.GetHabbo().StartJailTimer(TargetClient, Time);

                TargetClient.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Notification",
                "  You've been jailed by " + $"{Params[1]}\n\n" +
                "  You've been jailed for " + $"{Time} " + "Minute(s)", "small", ""));

                using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())
                    dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `jail_time` = @jail_time, `in_jail` = @in_jail, `home_room` = @home_room WHERE id = @id");
                    dbClient.AddParameter("jail_time", Params[2]);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("in_jail", 1);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("home_room", // your room id here //);
                    dbClient.AddParameter("id", TargetClient.GetHabbo().Id);



Aşağıdaki sınıflara git
, "ShoutEvent" "WhisperEvent" "ChatEvent"
Her sınıfta, aşağıdaki kodu bir yere girin

if (Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail == 1)
                Session.SendWhisper("You can't talk whilst you're in jail!");

 SendMgsEvent'e gidin ve aşağıdaki kodu girin

if (Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail == 1)
                Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Notification",
                      "  Oops , it appears you're jailed! \n\n" +
                      "  You can't message your friends whilst jailed!", "small", ""));

FollowFriendEvent öğesine gidin ve aşağıdaki kodu girin

if (Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail == 1)
                Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Notification",
               " Oops, it appears you're jailed ! \n\n" +
               "  You can't visit your friend whilst you're in jail!", "small", ""));

GameClient.cs adresine gidin ve aşağıdaki kodu bulun

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PlusEnvironment.GetDBConfig().DBData["welcome_message"]))
                        SendMessage(new MOTDNotificationComposer(PlusEnvironment.GetDBConfig().DBData["welcome_message"]));

Ve üstüne koy

if (Session.GetHabbo().Jail_Time != 0)
                        Session.GetHabbo().StartJailTimer(Session, Session.GetHabbo().Jail_Time);

                    if (Session.GetHabbo().Jail_Time == 0 && Session.GetHabbo().Jail_Time == 0)
                        using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor())
                            dbClient.SetQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `jail_time` = '0', `in_jail` = '0' WHERE id = @id");
                            dbClient.AddParameter("jail_time", 0);
                            dbClient.AddParameter("in_jail", 0);
                            dbClient.AddParameter("id", Session.GetHabbo().Id);

GameClient bulundu

public bool TryAuthenticate(string AuthTicket)

Ve aşağıdaki kodla değiştirin

 public bool TryAuthenticate(string AuthTicket,GameClient Session)

Şimdi SSOTicketEvent'e git
Ve son satırı aşağıdaki kodla değiştirin

 Session.TryAuthenticate(Packet.PopString(), Session);

Aşağıdaki sınıflara git
 UpdateNavigatorSettingsEvent , GetNavigatorFlatsEvent , NewNavigatorSearchEvent , InitializeNewNavigatorEvent & CanCreateRoomEvent

Ve aşağıdaki kodu her sınıfta bir yere ekleyin

if (Session.GetHabbo().In_Jail == 1)

CommandManager.cs'ye gidin ve aşağıdaki kodu ekleyin

this.Register("prender", new JailUserCommand());

Buraya Ekle permissions_commands


Aşağıdaki linkini verdigimiz resmi buraya ekleyin /swf/c_images/notifications

Resim: https://resmim.net/f/A0Q3Vp.png

Credits !


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